Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering why I haven't written for a while.
This is why.

My books were returned to me last Monday. And I could not resist. My self control only goes so far.
How you ask, could I have managed to read all three of these blessed books in only a week's time?
This is why. The view from my front door.

Snow. Lots of snow. Starting last Monday there was enough snow and wind (wind being the key word here) for school to be cancelled on Tuesday and Wednesday. And no school on Thursday or Friday because of Thanksgiving. Safe to say we were snowed in. Hills were sledded on, cocoa was drank, movies were watched, popcorn was popped, and books were read. Oh, books were read. Snow days mean gymnastics was cancelled. Activity day was cancelled. Basketball practice was cancelled. Fattening things were baked. And ate. Cousins were played with. Sibling rivalry was had with a vengeace that only being trapped in your house for an enitre week can bring. Boise State lost. (sniff) BYU lost. (sniff) To Utah. (sniff, sniff)
By Saturday we thought we were out of the snowy woods. But alas more snow and wind made for church being cancelled. Which meant more reading. Then school was cancelled on Monday, which meant more fattening things were baked. And reading. And just for the record, I love these books. That being said, I am still not satisfied with the ending and have therefore come up with my own personal little "alternate ending." **Spoiler Alert** I won't go into the details, but trust me I have them worked out; in a nutshell, my ending goes something like this: Prim lives, Peeta dies, Katniss and GALE live happily ever after. Nothing against Peeta, I like him and everything. It's not that I want him to die, but someone has to die and in my soul of souls I believe it should be him. But don't worry, Katniss takes a whole year to mourn him before she marries Gale. No hard feelings Peeta. May you rest in peace. Haymitch also watched Katniss while she was growing up and picked her to become the face to the rebellion. He knew she had the talent and heart to win the games. He knew she needed to make a splash and get everyone's attention and he knew that she would volunteer for Prim if Prim's name was pulled. Therefore every slip of paper in that drawing had Primrose Everdeen written on it. I could go on, but if you haven't read the books you are probably pretty bored right now. So do yourself a favor and read the books. Then tell me which ending you like better. Collins's or mine. I won't be offended.
I have to go and get on with my life. But here is another picture of my front porch. Can you tell we are not ready for winter yet.

We still haven't gotten rid of the pumpkins.


  1. Freezing Cold!! I'll take my 60 degree day anytime. I liked your ending. I have to read it again to decide which I like better. :) I read the last one too fast. Stay Warm!

  2. Ha ha! Too funny. You have to love being snowed in... well, love it for a while, anyway. I am glad you rewrote an ending to that series because I seriously HATED the last book. The entire thing. There was nothing redeeming about it at all. I preferred Peeta to Gale, but even so, your ending was a heck of a lot better. I think I will print it off and put it in the book and pretend that was what I read all along. (Do you charge royalties for that kind of copyright infringement?)
