Monday, March 7, 2011

Twas the Night of the Jimmer--by Lisa Whitesides

Twas the day of the game, when all through the land,
the fans were all stirring, even the band.
The Jerseys were hung from the ceiling with care,
with hopes that 32 would soon be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their blues,
while visions of cougars played in their shoes.

And mamma in her shirt and I in my cap,
had just settled in to cheer and to clap.

When out on the court there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter!
Away from my seat I flew with a slash,
tore out my camera and flipped up the flash!
The light from the roof, did shine to below,
and gave glow to the cougars ready to put on the show.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a group of cougars and a Coach so dear.

With a man so smart, so tall everyone knows,
I knew in a moment it must be Coach Rose.
More rapid than eagles his players they came,
he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

Now Stephen! Now Charles! Now Logan and Anson!
On Kyle! On Chris! On James and Jackson!
to the top of the key, to the top of the rim,
Now dash away! Dash away! Get us a win!

And then in a vision, he came from a cloud,
the yelling, the stomping, the joy of the crowd.
As I drew in my head and was looking around,
Down to the court came Jimmer with a bound!
He was dressed all in white from his head to his shoe,
and his clothes were all trimmed in deep cougar blue.
A 32 was stitched to the shirt on his back,
and he looked like a wolf ready to take on the pack!

His eyes how they twinkled, his hair it did curl,
his jaw was set, ready to take on the world.
His droll little mouth was drawn to a line,
as his lips formed the words, "this game is mine."

He was tall and lean, an athletic guy,
I laughed when I saw him, but some they did cry.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
his shots went in, not one did he shirk.
He drove the ball in and swished a few three's,
he ran down the court light as a breeze.
He as fouled on a drive and went to the line,
he put in both shots, one at a time.
The defense pressed him all up and down,
Leaving Emery wide open for shots to drown.

When the buzzer went off, ending the game,
he yelled with joy and without any shame.
The other team left, but not before they heard,
the cougar fans shouting, "You got Jimmered!"

Behold....Your Mountain West Conference Champions! We love you!