This is the smallest
BYU shirt we own. It's a size 12 month and is too small for our baby now.
We like to start the brainwashing out young at our house. You see, Brandon (a.k.a. "The Cougar") went to BYU. And as a result of that affiliation, he is completely obsessed with BYU athletics. Most notably, football. In the fall, our very lives revolve around BYU's football schedule. And what has become quite a fun tradition at our house, is that the first game day of the season is referred to as Christmas. And rightly speaking, the night before is Christmas Eve. You see on the night before BYU's first game of the season The Cougar (a.k.a. Brandon), gets as excited as a little kid on December 24th. So on game day Christmas, I make him whatever yummy meal he wants and he sits and analyzes each and every play in the game. There is cheering. There is yelling. There is the infamous "DID YOU SEE THAT!?" "COME AND WATCH THIS PLAY!" "COME ON REF!!" OH MY GOSH!!" "GO GO GO GO GOOOOO!!!" "YEEEAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" The Cougar never leaves from in front of the TV and he gets a complete 3 hour cardiovascular workout. Except this year. This was the best Christmas ever. The Cougar got to be at the game, in the stands, cheering and yelling with all his might for his boys. And for the first time The Cougar got to initiate a new, soon-to-be-rabid-cougar-fan. Braxton our six year old got to go to his first and definitely not last BYU football game. And The Cougar was happy. And BYU won. And The Cougar was elated. I mean E-LA-TED. Now The Cougar is trapped in horrendes traffic and what is generally a four hour drive to our house from Provo will now take between five and six hours. In a car. With a six year old little boy. But that's okay because the six year old can watch a movie. And The Cougar can listen to a.m. BYU sports radio and hear all the aftermath talk of the glorious, glorious victory. And with tomorrow being Sunday, The Cougar will get nothing out of church because his mind will still be busy dismanteling and analyzing every play of the game. Then after a few days, his mind will start to process other things: job, eating, church calling, kids.) But then by about Wednesday his mind will be back in the stadium, preparing for the next game. And on the cycle goes until January. But even after the season ends, BYU football never really ends in the mind of The Cougar. He is always looking ahead. But for now, BYU won their first game and life is perfect.