Friday, February 25, 2011

Feburary 25th

We have had a few weeks of semi-nice weather. It's been in the 30's and 40's. Warm enough to melt almost all of the snow at our house. Warm enough to dry out most of the mudd in the driveway. We even went as far as to get out the bikes the other day. We oiled the chains and pumped up the tires and the kids had ball. Still cold, mind you. Hats, gloves, and winter coats required but still, nice enough to play outside. We got out the basketball and re-discovered the basketball court in the back yard. The soccor ball got dusted off as well.
Then this morning, we woke up to this.

It's about three inches if you are counting.
And let me just clue you in on something. Snow on November 25th is great. So much fun. Snow on Decembrer 25, EVEN BETTER. Snow on January 25 is annoying but expected. Snow on February 25 IS NOT FUN. The kids got up and looked outside and were so sad. Just look at our poor basketball court now.

And that's not even the saddest part. Look at Micah's bike.
It was so happy a day or two ago, as was the rider.

And now look at what this has forced me to allow in my home. Not good. I will someday pay for this.

In about 10 years, Travin is going to be asking me: "Mom, can I ride the four-wheeler in the house?"
"What about the motorcycle?"
"NO! What makes you think I would allow you to do something like that?!"

"Well, the answer is still no."
Cabin fever is alive and well.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Waiting, waiting.
Waiting, waiting, waiting....

For the homemade bread to come out of the oven.